>After buying the last Sergio Toppi,
Nibelungica, I felt "inspired" and drew some similar things, with most of the time a strong simple shape and some things in it or out of it, to break the main shape.
Sergio Toppi, NIBELUNGICA (2010)
Fat Fan of the Comics Universe (19/09/10)
From the shape of the holes in my chair [Combaillaux] (13/09/10)
Gemini² (19/09/10)
"Here's a tissue, madam" (19/09/10)
"Am I... weird?" (13/09/10)
Main Gauche, variations (13/09/10)
First Try... (12/09/10)
Nosferatu... Aaaaah! (19/09/10)
(Marla) Singer (19/09/10)
Fantasia (?) Sorcerer (19/09/10)
Totoro Ear & Big Bunny (23/09/10)
Spaceship (19/09/10)
>If you don't know him,
click here and enjoy the show!